eCash Text Splitter & Reassembler

How to Use the eCash Text Splitter

This tool helps you split a large eCash payment text into smaller, manageable parts that can be sent over Meshtastic. Each part will include a prefix indicating its sequence and a hash for integrity verification.

To use the text splitter:

  1. Go to the eCash Text Splitter Tool.
  2. Paste your eCash payment text into the text area.
  3. Click the "Split Text" button. The text will be divided into chunks of up to 150 characters.
  4. Each chunk will include a prefix with its sequence number and, for the first chunk, a hash of the entire text.
  5. Copy each chunk and send them as separate messages.

How to Reassemble the eCash Payment

To reassemble the split eCash payment text and verify its integrity:

  1. Go to the eCash Text Reassembler Tool.
  2. Paste all received message chunks into the provided text area.
  3. The tool will automatically reorder the messages, combine them, and check the hash for integrity verification.
  4. If the hash matches, you will get the original text back. If not, verify the chunks for completeness and correct order.


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